Space Engineers WW2 Waterwars
Campaign Day 55.0
Gameplay tips:
During gameplay various tasks may be complicated or annoying. We found some tips that may be of practical use.
These are;
- The most important base your team has. It supplies all materials and resources as well as spawn all units. Keep it maintained and protected. Its your last line of defence when all other cities are lost.
- Build out your beacon/spawn bunker. Protect it against multiple raids and the last nuclear era.
- Don't park at HQs on spawn points (yellow marked squares). The next unit will spawn INTO that unit causing damage to both.
Spawn points:
- These are configured using GPS positions. You can configure your own spawn positions for land, air and sea.
- You can set the GPS of spawn points using the Custom Data field of the button panel used to spawn the unit.
- Set the GPS 5m or more above ground level and test to assure proper spawning and gridtype as it falls and lands on soil or water.
- Note there is no detection to avoid actual collisions to allow spawning at accurate positions.
- On the respawn list it may take a few minutes before FOB and HQ (field) spawns are visible.
- open your helmet and preserve your oxigen.
- turn off your radio to avoid beeing spotted.
- gear up using the nearby cargo box before going out.
- when falling into the water the swimming action automaticly kicks in. You can aim forward to swim in a direction for a certain amount of time. After that you sink. Your stamina picks up when on land or out of the water on deck of a vessel.
- as paratrooper turn off dampening when entering plane. The chute works automaticly when jumping out. Else press dampening in air. That also works to speed up the drop. Aim forward for steering while chute is active.
- Gravity works though cartoon like hill jumping still occurs. Dont race to fast over hills.
- HQ APCs are valuable. Hide them well. Digging a pit to lower their profile may be usefull.
- When not using a vehicle you can return it to supply when within 3km of a friendly city or HQ using #recover while pointing at a cockpit block.
- Gyro helps to stay stable. Most vessels have a PB to Trim. Toolbar 3 often has gyro/Trim control.
- If the Trim PB does not respond then assure it is set to your ownership, change to ownership to reset. Then recompile.
- Turn of your antenna to sneak passed enemies.
- Submarines tend to float from their position fast. Assure you keep your range.
- In submarines when under water the swimming effect kicks in. Wait a bit till stamina for swimming is 0 and then you can walk normally.
- As submarine a distance of 2km allows for good firing point. Watch the drift as you can drift into enemy fire range.
- Dont bomb at night. It looks pie but any (new) AA will be hard to detect untill they fire.
- To load Cargoplanes park them on runway. Drop the supply-arm and lock it a bit above ground. Open plane rear hatch. Roll back till hatch is under the connector. Then unlock arm and turn it off. Roll plane back slowly till connectors can lock.
- When firing rockets assure you are not moving faster then 200m/s else they can explode against the wings.
- To efficiently cross the vast ocean's without landmarks we suggest you either study the spawn positions and use the compas if fly around and place some vital GPS marks to use.
- Bring at least a medpack as falling or crashing twice will certainly end your life
- Tents and other items are spawned a few meter above your character level.
If they are spawned to low they may spawn into the ground voxels.
So look downhill when spawning or get some alt before spawning.
- Sandbags, crates, tents and the medicaltent can be spawned everywhere. Use them for a rapid defence line.
- On capture of a city you can apply #mgbunkers for rapid fortifications. AI has control by default but the guns can be manually controlled as well.
- Starting the campaign with placing fortifications at a strategic city may be expensive in the first days but does give more assurance of proper defence against a quick capture by the enemy.
- Dont place all turrets in the open sky. Cover some up to withstand bombing raids.
Recovering units:
- If aiming at the cockpit and using #recover does not work then try sitting in the cockpit.
- Use a airplane carrier to return damagesplanes to #recover at a friendly beacon.
- You can #recover transport ships at the destination city as well as at HQ as long as within 3km range.
- Sell what you dont need, use the funds to buy into resources you need.
- To gain some extra resources scavage and #recover enemy units on land and at sea. Often attacked bases have broken units laying in the area.
- Play the market when you can. Resources of wich the world (all teams) dont have much of are worth more.
- Many basic materials are available around your base. Grind down any prefab that may be of use to defend your city.
- Work on the longest burning blocks first as they are about to explode or vaporise.
- When burning (yellow) blocks are repaired 100% come back to them repeatedly untill they are black.
- Mind hidden flamable blocks behind concrete walls. They can ignite other nearby flamables.
- When extinghuising fires in large structures grind down trouble zones to avoid re-ignition of fires.
- Do not rebuild untill the structure is free of fires.
Problems and challenges
- Read the manual on this website.
- Hop on discord and find support https://discord.gg/ca4yUV6EAq.
- For server issues submit a server-ticket.
- Testdrive the game on our beta server.
- If you have a connect or login error it may help to close SE as well as Steam to restart both. We consider this a serious annoyance to players and are working to resolve this problem.