This is a battle/combat game first and Space Engineers experience second.
The use of resources and logistics are mainly to motivate invested teamwork making the experience more intense.
This server runs in Survival mode so beware what you do.
Inifite ammo is on and lives are infinite as well for now.
Jetpacks are not allowed but we may apply them to teach, repair or recover to keep it fun for players.
The game saves every 30 minutes so builds are not to be lost..before destruction.
The faction block limit is to 500.000 with each city using about 15.000 blocks.
Building fortifications is adviced but keep in mind they impacts the performance so build smart.
1.1 Space Engineers the game
Space Engineers (SE) is a customisable realistic simulation environment that is applied to a variety of technology ages from the 15th century upto 22th century themes.
The developer Keen describes it as follows :
"We want to create games that are based on real science, real facts, real physics, and real emotions. No magic & fantasy allowed."
And for exactly that reason we decided to put up our ww2 themed gaming environment.
Read more about Keen on
For shopping you can find it on the Steam store at:
You can join the current war by logging onto the server using the direct link
Or use the combat link on the right side of the site menu.
Once ingame you can join either BLUE (United States) or GREEN (Europe) faction.
The faction choice will be used next time you login. Note that grids you spawned will be set to 'Me' as ownership and switching side will make them hostile to your current faction.
(Re)spawn using BACKSPACE and spawn to an allied location.
You can review the campaign map on the site or the ingame city list LCD's to see what cities are hostile and were the enemy is near an friendly city.
Once ingame find the nearest cargo box and gear up. Weapons, medikits, grenades, a welder and drill and more if you think you need it.
In the HQ building as well as the city spawn bunkers you will find buttonpanels to control the production of units and the spawning of units locally if possible. (Cities can only spawn land gear after one day after beeing captured).
As the cities are quite distant (except for London+Rotterdam) driving is often a challenge. Use planes for long range attacks or transport vehicles to the attack zone.
The goal is to disable all hostile defences at enemy cities and capture the beacon under the barraks when possible. (Captures are only possible when both teams are online).
2. Gameplay
Once you have selected your faction you can spawn in at locations owned by that faction or possible mobile spawns like large vessels.
If you are not sure what faction you prefer then review the recruiting posters at the neutral spawn on the Northpole or join the chat to find out more about the factions.
There is a variety of spawn options so check in with the latest news to find out where you are needed most.
2.1 Spawn options (how and where to re-spawn) [soon teleport]
As a new player you have only the neutral spawn.
Spawn there and join either the BLUE or GREEN faction.
Then respawn on any spawn of that faction.
Spawns may come and go but can be any of;
- Headquarters at the medical bay.
- Cities at the barraks (white building).
- On the spawnkits of HQ/Transport helicopters
- On the spawnkits of HQ/Transport APCs
- At Forward Bases (FOB's)
- On large vessels
At HQ and cities you often find a filled cargo box nearby with basic gear and medkits.
If gear is not available then it can be produced at an HQ.
From there it can be transported to its destination.
2.2 Support options
Once your are in the field you will find that HQ and city supplies are far away.
Lighting may strike you while you are stuck in a ditch in a dark cold desert.
Mortar fire may rain down while you run out of ammo and med kits.
This is where HQ Support provides you with as much as your faction can afford.
Using ingame commands you can call upon a range of support options for as much as
your faction can supply or your superiors will allow.
Use this support to setup or defend Cities, Foward Bases (FOB's), landing zones or whereever it is needed.
Support equipment always spawns in front of the players view direction at 3 to 10 meters distance.
It spawns 1 to 3 meters above the players position so spawning uphill may cause it to spawn into the ground voxels with results as shown below;
Note that if this occurs the server may be busy for a while till it wiggles itself out of the voxels. This may cause enormous lag so be carefull.
Each command has different costs and resources it uses. These are deducated from HQ total when the command is given.
2.3 Ingame commands
The ingame commands are given by entering them in your local chat box.
Enter the dash (#) as first symbol for the mod to recoqnise a command.
Find below the currently available support equipment and commands to spawn it in.
Mind that only small stuff like sandbag walls or barbed wire is allowed near city beacons.
For the larger items you have to be 3km or more from an enemy city like near the FOB.
Fortification commands
#sandbag or #s
A small sandbag wall, can be pushed around.
Spawns 3 meters in front with the hard side forwards.
A landmine sensitive to soldiers and vehicles. This mine spawns below ground as shown on the left in the picture.
A 20 wide line of mines 1 block spread starting 2 blocks in front and 10 to your left. The mines are burried in the ground so should not be visible.
Make sure there is nothing from 10 blocks to the left of you to 10 blocks to the right before you place.
If the ground ahead is a downslope then walk downslope and turn around to place them as you look upslope.
A anti tank pole with a mine placed at the end. Also usefull for shore defence against landing ships.
An anti tank cross
A row of 10 anti tank crosses placed 10 meter in front of the player.
A 20m wide wooden trench with firing positions. Clean out the trench with a drill.
#barbedwire or #wire
Barbed wire to slow down infantry.
A small camouflaged bunker with some supply
A small bunker with an gatling MG gun. Can provide some air cover.
A small camouflaged bunker as spawnpoint of a Forward Base.
These can only be placed outside the 3km range of enemy beacons starting from day 3.
Note that FOB bunkers are expensive.
The standard power supply lasts for 8 days and a small cargo with weaponary is available.
FOB Bunkers are special and expensive as they can immediatly spawn vehicles and fighter planes.
These crafts spawn 20 meter behind the bunker so keep this area clear.
FOB Bunkers should be accompanied by other fortifications to keep it secure.
A small watch tower.
Towers are most vulnerable to tipping over when placed on uneven ground.
a large watch tower
A infantry tent providing some cover.
A vehicle tent providing camouflage for vehicles against airborne spotters.
A medical tent providing some cover and medical supplies.
Supply request commands
A supply crate with basic supplies.
Utility commands
To recover units spawned in you can leave the cockpit, aim at the cockpit and type #recover.
This should despawn the main grid and return resources depending on how much of unit is returned.
#recover only works within 3km of a friendly beacon.
For cleaning up garbage.
Show the resource list for yo
Show captured Advantage Points and their owning faction.
Unit commands
Type this to spawn a raft 2 meter in front. Usually applied when abandoning a sinking vessel.
Mind to drop this in the water or very carefully on a deck as the bottom of this raft is not strong.
Additional target dummies can be called upon, some beeing fierce and lethal.
The following target commands are available;
An balloon as air target to train on. Or just have a blast through them.
These spawn 100m above the player and may drift any direction.
Market commands
To manage your resources on the market there are a few commands available for higher ranks;
#price {resource} - This will show the price of an item wich depends on the available supply and rises in time.
#buy {resource} {amount} - This will buy a given amount of an resource from the rest of the world (world supply) other then both factions depending if the credits are available.
#sell {resource} {amount} - This will sell a given amount of an resource to the rest of the world depending if the credits are available.
RnD commands
The command #rndspeed is available for higher ranks to allow speeding up the faction RnD from 1 to a factor of 5.
Keep in mind that the costs per cycle for RnD will go up as the factor increases.
2.4 Logistics
Although HQ supplies cities with spawnable equipment it may not arive on time or may be to dangerous to spawn at the destination.
In such cases manual logistics is your last resort. Load up materials or H2 fuel in trucks, vessels or planes.
Or load up trucks with materials onto vessels. Any way to transport materials or equipment will come handy at one point.
For short ranges trucks and tows may be a quick solution to an ongoing shortage of firepower.
Grab a jeep and hookup an ATG and within 10 minites no armor can reach your beacon without a fight.
Plan to invade a continent ? Maybe take something with a bit more space and risk sailing the ocean's
to accomplish another phase of your plan. Attempt a proper loading configuration to balance the weight
of thousands of tons of equipment. Navigate towards your destination by use of stars and landmarks.
And take upon yourself to unload the material that brings your faction another battle closer to victory.
Note that flank logistics are often neccesary for safety as you travel to active regions but they can also be a surprise for the enemy.
The larger the transport the more need for an escort. Plan your logistics accordingly.
Nighttime is an advantage though daytime allows carefull loading and unloading.
2.5 Equipment
The set of tools needed on this server range from repair tools to Flare guns.
Depending on the task(s) ahead you must assure these items are already in your
posession or carried along in secure (safe) cargo crates.
Equipment can be found at lockers, cargo boxes, seat inventories and many more
locations. Your spawnpoint should have a cargo box nearby.
Find below a list of the equipment refered to;
Welder, To repair and extinghuis fires
Grinder, to fight fires faster or recycle
Handdrill, To dig an infantry or tank trench
Handgun, for a quick response to nearby enemy infantry
Rifle, when engaging long range or multiple enemies
Bazooka, to disable larger threats
Grenade launcher, to disable stuff just behind that hill
Binoculairs, for scouting or pinpoint intel
Flaregun, to expose enemies at nighttime
Grenade, to disable nearby infantry or equipment
Smoke grenade, for 'trying' to be invisible
Powercell, to charge up when you need it
Medkit, cause we all know where this is going
3. Scenario Bases
3.1 Description
The gamemode 'Bases' reflects a real world map scenario with deep ocean waters.
Play as either of two teams BLUE (US) and GREEN (EU).
Build weapons at the available (ORE) automated HQ industry.
Spawn and load up material at the airport or seaport.
Drive, fly or sail to either of 20 cities.
Siege, assault and clear the area to capture the beacon.
Stand within 10 meter to capture a beacon for your faction.
And now it really begins with defending your property.
Transport logistics, fortify, patrol and expand your terratory.
Each HQ or city spawn has a neaby cargo box with a weapon and medical kit.
Use them wisely, loss of cargo weapons means no way to defend untill its manually resupplied.
This scenario runs in Survival mode with infinite ammo.
Find a worldmap in the HQ building marking each city.
3.2 Cities and Resources
There are 20 marked cities located around the globe.
These have real names and realistic locations.
Each team has 9 cities and an HQ town supplying it with 3 types of resources;
- each city delivers 1000 credits per hour to its ruling team.
- each city provides 1 conscript per hour (used in AI).
- each city provides per hour one of the below resources;
8000 kg timber
25000 kg steel
10 kg gold
20 kg rare ores
40 drums of oil
Credits : Is needed for each item spawn, soldier spawn and fortification object spawn (sandbagwalls, watchtowers, bunkers). Also usable on market.
Timber : Is needed mostly for transport vehicles (is cheap on market)
Steel ore: Is needed mostly for combat vehicles (can be supplemented with mined steel ore through market swaps)
Gold ore : Is needed in everything with electronics equipment (so not in jeeps/trucks). Can also be used to sell for credits on market.
Rare ore : Is needed in everything with weaponary (has high value on market)
Oil : Is needed for all vehicles to move (continuesly as oil can be changed (market swap) to hydrogen enginefuel)
So with more steel and gold you can expand naval forces faster.
With wood you can expand air forces faster.
With rare ore you can expand any armed craft faster.
The city resources are processed per (game)hour.
In other words if you have two cities with timber resource your HQ supply gains 10.000 kg per hour timber.
The ownerships at start of a match are shown below.
BLUE TEAM: 10 Total : 3 Timber, 2 Steel, 2 Gold, 1 Rare, 2 Oil
New York Timber (HQ/Industry/Seaport)
Cape horn Gold ore
Dakar Oil
London Steel ore
Los Angelos Steel ore
Miami Rare ore
Panama City Timber
Rio Grande Oil
Sydney Timber
Yukon Gold ore
City beacons are the indicators of ownership.
They are indestructable and cannot be grinded down.
To capture a beacon stand within 10m from one and wait till the capture is completed by reaching 100%.
The proximity and capture status is shown on the beacon list at HQ by indicators in front of the beacon name;
C - for an ongoing capture
A - for a 1km Area warning
R - for a 5km Region warning
B - for a 10km Border warning
+ indicators are used to show the amount of enemy presence;
None means there is at least one enemy is in range.
+ means that there between 5-10 enemies in range.
++ means that there are more then 10 enemies in range.
The capture status is shown in the beacon and citylist by displaying a percentage behind the beacon name.
Every enemy in the area cancels out the capture progress of an enemy soldier.
Note that the duration of capture state impacts the city spawn options. Read more about this in the chapter 'Spawning units'.
3.4 Building units
To mimic a real weapon industry a production queue is available that requires sufficient resources before production starts.
Once a unit is produced it is added to the HQ supplylist.
From there it can be spawned for use or transport.
Cost for the units is type specific and listed on the Cost LCD at HQs.
Lost or despawned equipment is not yet added back to supply list or resource stacks.
In case of shortage grind the equipment down or keep aside for use of spare parts when needed.
Note that a large item may hold up production of a small item.
In such case you can decide to build that first by inserting it in the front of the queue.
Ongoing building progress is not lost but continues after the inserted item has been completed.
3.5 Spawning units
HQ can spawn all available (already build) units and spawn them around the seaport;
- Infantry spawns at the spawn kit or medical station.
- Vehicles spawn behind the seaport on the grass.
- Aircraft typicly spawn at the end of the runway.
- Vessels spawn at the docks with the exception of the raft that spawns ON the coast aside the seaport ready to glide it into the water.
Cities can spawn infantry as soon as they are captured.
1 day after capture vehicles can be spawned.
2 days after capture aircraft can be spawned.
3 days after capture vessels can be spawned.
Currently the spawn safeties are off to avoid having to spawn vehicles 50m in the air.
While we work on this problem do try to avoid spawning one item into the place of another item.
In short, dont park everywhere while spawning or spam vessels in dock. They will get wrecked.
3.6 Score, Rank and XP
Score is obtained by various tasks, these include #recover of equipment, capturing beacons and killing enemies.
Score provides rank and together with XP they unlock features, units and perks for the player.
Rank is set by the score amount in larger intervals. So the higher up the ranks the slower you rank up.
Dying ups your death counter but also penalties you with the loss of the score points gained since last rank promotion. Effectivly making you re-do your ranking training again hopefully with better result.
Dont use backspace to despawn as it is treated like a kill death.
#despawn despawns you and within 300m from a friendly city or FOB no penalty is given. If not 200 points are deducted.
XP is gained by time doing such activity.
Various XP counters are active.
First there are the Land, Air and Sea (so-called) LAS XP ratings:
- XP for using Land units
- XP for using Air units
- XP for using Sea units
Then there are the Hand weapon and Logistics, Production and Commanding(so-called) LCP XP ratings :
- XP for using hand weapons
- XP for doing Logistics
- XP for operating Production
- XP for executing Army Commands
Show the rank and XP table
You can view your rank, score and XP on our website on the Campaign monitor page.
Or use the ingame commands;
#score - shows your scored points
#rank - shows your related rank
#xp - shows the Land Air and Sea XP points
#xpother - shows the Weapon, Logistics, Production and Commanding XP
Note that not all of the rank table has been implemented.
3.7 Research and Development (RnD)
Research and develoment unlocks features and units for the team. It runs in cycles and is not a rapid process.
The goal is to obtain enough resources to faster research and obtain an edge in battle.
Note that research is expensive so use it when you can afford it.
Find below the current RnD map.
Note that not all of the rank table has been implemented.
3.8 Advantage Points
At various places around the world are so called Advantage Points (AP's). There are 20 in total.
These points can be small or large structures and each contain a beacon defining the owner.
To gain ownership over an Advantage Point the beacon must be grinded down/hacked and repaired automaticly giving it ownership.
Mind that any build defensive blocks like turrets need to be grinded down as well to gain ownership and safety. Or just disable them.
The available Advantage Points are named related to what structure it is;
powerstation, Power station/elec towers = Unlimited power at all cities
radiotelescope, Radar station+dish = world wide radar gives text reports to team about carriers/destroyers/b29/paras spawning
windmill, Facility bonus, allow windturbines for that faction (on loss they disable)
lostcargo, Lost Cargo = Support bonus, allow airdrop of JeepH2 (#jeep)
airfield, Air bonus, allow 1000lbs bomb drop at 3km range (#bomb)
telecomtower, Receive radio chatter
launchpad, Satelite bonus, late era
trenchline, The Trench line = Ground bonus, all infantry spawn with 3 grenades, 1 medpack and the standard rifle
uraniummine, Supply bonus, adds 10% additional uranium in each friendly inventory
bank, Financial bonus, add 10% more credits per cycle
rndfacility, Research bonus of 10% faster RnD
miningfacility, Resource boost of 10% more ww2w resources per cycle
shootingrange, Kill bonus, add 10% to the score points on kills
garage, Logistics bonus, less oil spending by AI
hospital, Respawn bonus, 10% more chance to not deduct a conscript on respawn
colleseum, Military bonus, 10% more XP
church, Recruitment bonus, 10% more conscripts per cycle
factory, Production bonus, 10% faster build
storagebuilding, Scavage bonus, add 10% to the recovery of units
Find below a map indicating where these AP's are located roughly.
If already captured and powered these AP's may transmit a beacon signal upto 5km.
The following AP's may not be available due to server load. These will be trimmed down and placed back in time.
Note that due to the late night modelling IwoJima is currently SW of Midway. We will find another island to correct this.
3.9 Realism
The realism in SE comes from Keen and a few other mods.
SE physics
Terra mod
This is a recreation of Earth in Space Engineers. This planet was generated from real data to get geographic features as close from the real world, as it is possible ingame. As 70% of the surface of our planet is covered in water, and water mods have greatly improved over the last years, it has been designed with water mods in mind.
Water mod
The mod adds water that you can build boats with. There is audio, splashing, bubbles, waves, fish, and much better simulation performance compared to older water mods.
Fire Brigade mod
This mod adds fire to the world. Grids can now catch fire and as fire spreads across the grid it may ignite other grids as well.
Impact by fire and explosions can cause blocks to catch fire as well.
Fires can be extinguished but this usually requires teamwork so respond fast.
As time passes the natural light in the world becomes so low that you may find yourself lost as landmarks become unrecoqnisable.
Enemies may sneak up in darkness turning the most quiet nights into complete chaos. A Flare gun is availble to light up a field for 10 seconds allowing any suspicion of enemies to be removed from your mind.
Note that although nighttime is an enemy the first light of day may come with a barrage of fire as you are now visible to the enemy at longer range.
Rain will hinder your visibility.
Cold impacts your health. Without cold you will need to heat up using energy in your suit or a chamber or room to avoid the cold.
Storms can harm you as well as minimize visibility.
3.10 Modlist
While this is a bit of fun code the whole of it is only made possible by having access to the below Mega modders providing many many good things to SE.
Respects and salute o7 for/to;
- Terra Remake 2930070836 Duke of Lorraine [usage allowed]
- Jakari water mod 3.0 2200451495 Jakari
- ww2wwaterwars testing mod 3242899824 MikeXS
- Swimming mod 3309900707 MikeXS
- Parachute/float mod 3414745290 MikeXS
- Fire Brigade 3269467787 MikeXS
- BanMod 3340385186 MikeXS
- Boat parts 2685161727 John Bee
- [cap] costy's aircraft pack 2758773086 Const
- Randa's Thin Wings, Plane Parts & Control Surfaces 2612368868 John Bee
- Plane Parts (by Takeshi) 837058476 Takeshi
- Plane parts plus: propellor 1463667637 Takeshi
- Ore Generator 2783385218 Stollie
- SE Minimap radar (script) 1939217705 jTurp
- Soldier 2080878602 Chipstix213
- Bino mod 2777644246 Klime + Chipstix213
- Jargon generator (Air traffic) (Mod) 2476397380 Patrick
- Jargon generator (Mod) 2470184482 Patrick
- Speed Limit 300 1188795804 Takeshi
- Paint gun 500818376 Digi
- The Grenade Mod 2861285936 jTurp, Chipstix213
- Scope Framework 2754014019 Klime
- Pro-1 Optical Sight 2847242968 DEeMON
- Barret M107A1 precision rifle 2071647642 NorthyPark
- Mk 153 SMAW Launcher 2556935628 NorthyPark
- TSO - Interactable Sound Block 3056832387 TheSlaveOne
- Interactable Light Blocks 2997539634 Valikai
- Costys Expanded Weapons 3309008050 Costys
- Assault Weapons Pack (June 28th Micro) 2111400196 Harbinger Ace
- Small Helm 1x1 mod 3172668209 Plineo
- Small Ship Mega Mod Pack 305329302 SEModder4
- Testing Small Static Grids 1841944525 NocturnalArchitect
- Testing grid pickup mod 2891367014 (OG version 2890866161)
- DX11 Naval AntiAircraftGun(1.5 times) 913 industry 465941509 Kuisa
- M5B 150mm Naval Cannon AWG 1720476810 AWG 8km range (battleship)
- Costys Expanded Weapons 3309008050 Costys
- HUD Compass 1469072169 Zelious
- Khjin's Warfare Packs - Bombs (Non-WC) 3323869855 Khjin
(+KWP - VanillaEx 3323868922 Khjin)
- Hand Weapons - Grenade Launcher Update 1473394550 Serza
- (Fixed!) M3 125mm HEAT Cannon - AWG 1635176953 AWG
- M6C 203mm Heavy Howitzer - AWG 1865862648 AWG
- (Fixed) M4 76mm Howitzer - AWG 1565829518 AWG (arti gun) 1.5km range
- 155mm M5 Low-Velocity Howitzer - AWG 1537851660 AWG (ballista) 3.5km range
4. Scenario Normandy (N/A)
Appendix A1 - Combat units
A variety of land, air and sea crafts have been prepared for production with a click and spawning across the map at friendly spawns.
The below is not the final list but most likely includes the listed items.
Note that a asteriks (*) behind the name means the ship has been (lightly) altered to add trim, power, connectors or other functional blocks.
Land - Motor
The boss on the corner.
An armed motorbike with
sidespan to secure your area.
Duke of Lorraine, Jakari,
Klime, AWG, Digi, Const,
John Bee, Takeshi,
Ribera1945e, jTurp, Patrick
Stollie, Chipstix213, DEeMON,
NorthyPark, TheSlaveOne,
Valikai, MikeXS
Many thanks to Keen, all
coders, testers, modelers
and of course the troops
from Discord o7
Credits to the moddelers:
JohnyRico, Useless, Samerrie,
estonia123,rolle63, Vomsay,
The Zat, Infamous, jOnOnymOus,
pyromaniac1989, Hellratz,
gnvenus, klinon00, Pakeha,
Hacker3k, Nomad, ANICORP,
The anaphylactic bee keeper,
幽暝, Duke of Lorraine,
Mr Unicorn, Khijn, Subwoofer,
Luvstruckmango, OuchInYaEyes,
Theairshipguy, The_Extruder,
Malacanth, Prexray13,
Commander Rotal, Scout 83